Jun 19, 2017

Post #25: My love story with $BEL and $STI...

Me with the love of my life

We all have love stories to tell. Some of our stories have happy endings, but others don't end the way we hoped them to be. Some gave us unforgettable heartaches but some also gave us good memories. What is important with all of these experiences are the lessons we learned from them. Trading is similar to dating, some stocks will break your heart, but some will make you happy. Some of the decisions you made you will surely regret, but the lessons will stick to you and make you a better trader.

This story is about what happened to me in $BEL and $STI. One seduced me twice but broke my heart in the end, the other made me happy once and is giving me another chance to be with her again.

I believe that a picture or a chart is still worth a thousand words.

Let me show you.

After two attempt to woe her, I finally decided to let $BEL go. It's clear to me, we are not meant to be, at least for now. Maybe someday..
chart by www.bigcharts.com

On the other hand, another stock is giving me a second chance at her. They said love is sweeter the second time around and hopefully $STI will prove it to me once again. I enjoy a good challenge and looks like she is up for a game.

chart by www.bigcharts.com

What lessons did I learn? I learned that you will make mistakes no matter how careful you are. And I also learned that it is okay to make mistakes, for mistakes will teach us valuable lessons. Finally, I also learned that mistakes should not discourage us in making new trades, take the challenge and try again and again until you find your happy ending. Never give up on love.

Port update:

$IMI +77%, $WLCON +28%, $STI +7%,$MEG +8%

Jun 8, 2017

Post #24: Bullish or Bearish?

Where do you think the market is heading?  View from Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, photo by yours truly.

People always ask me if either I'm Bullish or Bearish with the market. It's like people want to know my opinion of the market and then see if it validates their views. If you really want to know the answer to that, just turn on the TV; we'll never ran out of expert opinions on the matter.  But then again, market predictions will be different from one expert to another.

The market will go where it want to go. It doesn't care about my opinion or yours. I trade what I see, not what I thought the market is going to do. I don't listen to any analyst on TV, all of them are as clueless as me as to where the market will be next week or any time in the future. If you trade with this kind of mindset, you'll approach the market without any opinion. And without any biases, you'll see beyond the smokescreen of your opinions. You will see clearly what the market is telling you.

So, where do I think the PSEi is going to go? I don't know. No one does. If some analyst tell you that the index will end this year at 8500 level, he is either using a crystal ball or is making it all up. Some analysts from a Philippine brokerage already figured it out and posted it on Twitter yesterday, but I'm still scratching my head here.

I don't have an opinion on the market, I am neither bullish nor bearish. It is because I honestly don't know where it is going.

Portfolio update:

Sold my $BEL at -4.94% loss today. I want to move my funds to a much faster stock. I am watching $STI again.

Current positions:

$MEG +10.45%
$WLCON +18.84%
$IMI +86.09%

Jun 4, 2017

Post #23: The need for heroes

I like to call people that I look up to as heroes. Some will prefer to call them mentors or teachers. When it comes to trading, I call people I want to emulate as my heroes because they don't just teach me how to trade, they also inspires me to dream. There are many reasons why we really need mentors or heroes in our lives. This is true for any endeavor we want to pursue, whether it's trading or financial and career success.

Meeting Mr. Tony Herbosa of Trader's Apprentice Pilipinas. I consider him as one of the people I look up to when I was just starting 5 years ago. 

Heroes inspires us. We always look up to them, like they're some kind of a super human with super powers. We want to be like them. Being inspired, we are charged with an awesome energy of enthusiasm that will help us complete the tasks we should do to  attain success. Mentors will make us realize that our dream is within our reach, because if they can do it themselves, it is also possible for us to achieve.

Mentors will help hasten our success by showing us what kind of mistakes we should avoid. We will learn from their mistakes. They will show us patterns that we cannot possibly perceive by doing things on our own. They will leave guideposts for us to follow, blueprints that will help us get started. No matter how smart we are, we will make mistakes that will slow down our progress. Recognizing those mistakes earlier will help us progress faster.

Great teacher will not just teach us what to do, they will also show us how to think. Correct mindset is crucial to our success. Our mentors, those who've already done it, thinks differently from the rest of us. They perceive things differently, and have a different mindset that will help them operate differently from the rest of the masses.If there is one main reason why they are more successful than most of us, I will attribute it to their different way of thinking and doing things. By looking into the minds of our heroes, we will have a glimpse of how different they think and we will learn what kind of winning mindset that works we should possess as well.

Some of my heroes I never met personally. Books will help us look into our mentors and heroes  minds.

I believe that getting mentors is vital to our success. They will guide us, put us in the proper mindset and inspire us to dream bigger and take action. It doesn't matter what kind of endeavor you want to succeed on, getting a mentor will be beneficial to you. We all need heroes to look up to.

My stock portfolio update:

$BEL P4.05 (-4.94%)
$IMI  P10.52 (+50.59%)
$MEG P4.54 (+6.92%)
$WLCON P6.07 (+10.98%)